Our Portfolio

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End-to-End Fleet Management, USA

  1. Vehicle Tracking
  2. Route Optimization
  3. Vehicle Maintenance and Diagnostics
  4. Fleet Management
  5. Driver Behavior Monitoring
  1. Compliance and Reporting
  2. Integration with ERP & Data Analysis
  3. Mobile Access and Communication for Drivers & Dispatcherst

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Chronic Care Management Platform, USA

  1. Care Coordination
  2. Patient Education
  3. Medication Management
  4. Health Monitoring
  5. Follow-up Alerts
  1. Patient Engagement and Support
  2. Access to Community Resources
  3. Quality Improvement
  4. Outcome Measurement

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Chronic Care Management Company,USA
ISP company, Latin America

OTT/IPTV Platform for an ISP company, Latin America
(similar to Netflix, Hulu, Disney+)

  1. Live TV
  2. Live Radio
  3. Channel Bouquets
  4. Customer Support
  1. Subscription Management
  2. A-VOD
  3. T-VOD
  4. Device Management

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Online Marketplace & Task Management Platform
(similar to Task Rabbit)

  1. Task Posting
  2. Tasker Bidding
  3. Tasker Profiles
  1. Real-Time Messaging
  2. Secure Payment System
  3. Reviews and Ratings

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ISP company, Latin America

Mindfulness & Anxiety Control Platform, USA
(similar to Calm, Headspace, Breethe)

  1. Guided Meditations
  2. Breathing Exercises
  3. Mindful Reminders
  4. Journaling and Reflection
  5. Mood Tracking
  1. Relaxation Techniques
  2. Educational Content
  3. Sleep Support
  4. Progress Tracking

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Leveraging Data Science to Optimize Operations and Increase Profits for a Supermarket Chain

  1. Data Gathering
  2. Data Cleaning and Preparation
  3. Demand Forecasting
  4. Pricing Optimization
  5. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  6. Demand Forecasting
  7. Predictive Modeling
  1. Store Layout Optimization
  2. Inventory Management
  3. Customer Segmentation and Personalized Marketing
  4. Performance Monitoring and Feedback Loop
  5. Collaborative Filtering

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ISP company, Latin America

Development and Deployment of an Online Doctor Booking and Video Consulting Platform

  1. Doctor Search
  2. Appointment Availability
  3. Appointment Notification
  4. Documents Submission
  1. Tele-Medicine
  2. Prescription & Doctor’s notes
  3. Medicines & Diagnosis Availability

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